About Us


We’re so glad you visited our website today! If you want to know more about Greater Alton Church, the best way, of course, is to visit our Sunday service and experience it for yourself. To give you an idea of what you’ll find, before you stop by, here's just a little about who we are.


At Greater Alton Church, we believe worship is a lifestyle; not just a Sunday-thing. Our weekly gathering is crucial to living that lifestyle of worship. When we gather and worship together, we are refreshed and refocused. We draw closer to God, learn from each other, and encourage each other to acts of love, kindness, and service to the world around us. We pray together and seek God’s purpose, power, and provisions. We take communion together to remind ourselves not only of what Jesus has done for us through His death and resurrection, but also that He is coming back to make all things new! When we assemble as His people to worship Him, we experience a little taste of what it will be like when we finally dwell fully in His presence. It's that little taste of heaven that fills us, and motivates us to live a life of worship while we are apart.


At Greater Alton Church you can find the kind of friendships the Bible calls fellowship. These friendships will provide the healing relationships that God desires for you; helping to shape your character and make you more like Jesus. We believe friendships should go beyond mere 'hellos' and 'handshakes', to heart-felt love — Love that serves as a bond; holding us together in good times… as well as bad!


At Greater Alton Church we believe serving God means serving people. We all need a little help from time to time. At GAC we have both specialized ministries and small groups dedicated to providing service and training people to serve like Jesus taught us. Our specialized ministries bring servants with special gifts of service together with those who are dealing with specific hurts, habits, and/or hang-ups. Our small groups serve by connecting believers, teaching them to walk in step with the Spirit, and equipping them to serve others, both in the church and the community.

If any of that sounds like what you’re looking for, we hope you’ll stop by and worship with us. We meet every Sunday morning at 10:00 am, and we'd love to have you join us as we sing praises to God, take communion to remember Jesus, pray together, and hear a message from God’s Word. While you’re there, be sure to stop by the Welcome Center in the small dome. There you’ll find friendly people willing to answer questions, provide you with information about upcoming events, or introduce you to our ministers or small group leaders.

And if you’d like to hear the sermon again - or any past sermon podcast - you may listen online, right here at this website after 5pm every Sunday.

Thanks for visiting our website today! And may God bless you!!!

Stories of Life Change

I have been to a lot of churches in my life, and every denomination there is. All of the churches are good and welcoming in their own ways, but GAC is so different!
The people are very warm, kind hearted, and make you feel like you belong... even on your first visit! GAC has been an answer to my prayers... and then some! I have to let everyone know how AWESOME this church really is!

Kenzey Harper

I have been coming to this church for a few years now, and I am so grateful God put people in my way to lead me here. I have really found a home through GAC, but more importantly I have learned what a relationship with God truly is. No one is perfect, and we don't claim to be. I have never been surrounded by a group of people who all are desperately searching for God's truth in their lives.


Love this place! A couple years ago I met so many people who chose to love-up on a truly broken girl when I didn't have much left. These people showed me how to have my own relationship with Christ, and I continue to do so. No church is perfect, of course, but I love that this church is intentional and on a mission to serve and live a purposeful life that is pleasing to God. There are a lot of great ministries for children and college-aged students!

Cassie Mitchell

Our Core Beliefs

We believe in the existence of a loving God who is the source of all creation. He has created us to find our eternal destiny in relationship with Him.

We believe that the Bible is our inspired source for learning, both about God and godly living. As God’s servants, our role is to communicate the principles of Scripture to a fallen world in a relevant way.

We believe that human sin is rebellion against God. It separates us from Him and His purposes for us in His creation. Overcoming sin, restoring relationship with God, and recovering His purpose for our lives, is not possible through human effort alone.

We believe that salvation is the free gift of God that has been made available to all as a result of Jesus’ death on the cross. Salvation is more than just being saved from something; it is about being saved for something incredible! It’s available to anyone who will put their trust in Christ as Lord and Savior.

We believe baptism is a one-time faith response to our acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior. It is a pledge of loyalty to God based on repentance, and it identifies us with His family. We are devoted to teaching and encouraging believers to be immersed in Christ, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

We believe the Bread and the Cup remind us of Christ’s complete love for us, His sacrifice on the cross, and the new creation that has begun with His resurrection. Each week, we celebrate His victory over death, and His imminent return.

We believe God’s desire is that worship be our genuine, passionate, and Spirit-filled response to Him. We are committed to planning relevant and diverse worship experiences that inspire, convict, teach, heal, and draw people into the very presence of God.

We believe prayer is essential to our spiritual and physical strength, both as individuals and as The Church. We believe nothing is impossible with God, and He wants us to ask all things in faith and trust.

We believe the Kingdom is made up of all who believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and accept Him as Lord and King, regardless of traditions. We will be supportive, and work together in unity with other congregations in our community for the cause of Christ.

We believe that the Church, as Christ’s body, is designed to be a visible manifestation of Jesus on this earth. The Church continues the work of Jesus through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit by ministering to those who are hurting, and by calling people to live their lives for God.

We believe God’s design for the family is for a father and mother to be responsible for raising their children in a God-centered and faith-building home. The Church’s responsibility is to help families succeed in this, and provide the love and support needed for singles, single-parent families, orphans, and widows.

Greater Alton Church is a Church of Christ.

(Every Church of Christ congregation is independent, and you’ll find a variety of worship styles and organizational models among them.)

Some distinctive features of Greater Alton Church:

 Our worship is contemporary Christian, sung acapella style,  and is led by a worship team of men and women.

Our worship services are open to the public, and designed to minister to both members and guests — young and old alike.

We encourage participation in Small-Groups for connecting to the community of Christ; learning how to apply the teachings of Jesus, and training to serve the needs of others.

Thank You So Much For Your Interest!

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